The cat eye is a classic look that women use in all kinds of occasions. It's the perfect choice if…
A mother is a girl's best friend. This is a fact no one will disagree with. And even when the…
When you enter your 30s, you actually cross the thin line between the child-like youth and the maturity. Of course,…
Let's face it – most of the women's efforts in creating a fantastic makeup conception these days have been entirely…
Spring and summer aren't so close, but you must be entirely aware that designers and fashion experts always release their…
Makeup is a piece of art and when it comes to modifying your beautiful face, there are many creative approaches…
It doesn't matter whether you're a 50-Shades-of-Grey-freak or you're standing on the other side and criticize its main message. When it comes…
When you were a girl, probably your first steps in makeup were not that successful as today. However, with time…
Looking for your upcoming hot date? Must be more than just trilled and excited about it! Meanwhile, we're completely sure…
There are two things you need to take into consideration when it comes to the perfect makeup. First of all, your…